STBB Board of Committees 11/12

Band Leader: Chong Jiunn Shyong

Deputy Band Leader: Chew Soon Hong

Secretary: Ng Kar Wai

Asst. Secretary: Lee Tun Seng

Treasurer: Kenneth Tan

Asst. Treasurer: Soh Feng Jun

Percussion Section Leader: Lum Wei Ze

Lance Percussion Section Leader: Loke Jacob

Trumpet Section Leader: Tan Tat Meng

Lance Trumpet Section Leader : Tan Yi Heng

Bass Section Leader: Chow Kin Hoe

Lance Bass Section Leader: Lee Kar Hoe

Woodwind Section Leader: Lee Xing Yee

Lance Woodwind Section Leader: Tung How Neng

Instrument Master: Phua Chee Seng

Asst. Instrument Master: Chu Jian Wen

Uniform Officer: Leong Jean Eu

Asst. Uniform Officer: Foo Keat Yen

Room Master: Tan Wai Loon

Asst. Room Master: Kwan Kam Weng, Chang Tee Choong

Score Keeper: Toi Yit Hui

Asst. Score Keeper: Chong Zhe Lim

Welfare Master: Lew Guo Liang

Asst. Welfare Master: Yong Gheng Tuck

Meet The Team

Meet The Team
Victory Photo of STBB, Pasir Gudang Indoor Stadium. Johor

Sunday, January 18, 2009

STBB Year-End Training Camp 2008

Date: 15-12-08 to 18-12-08
Venue: SMJK Sam Tet

Friendship. Teamwork. Efficiency.

Sam Tet Brass Band Production.
All rights reserved.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Graduation Day



Rehearsal for our graduation day performance turned out quite well,
better than I’d expected despite the number of newbies joining us today……
The first thing that came across my mind was
“Hey, we actually have a bunch of great kids with us this year! “
Which is a good thing =)

After hours and hours of painstaking trials,
We finally came up with an ingeniously surprising show.
Partially similar to the previous year except for the theme…
Which is to entertain not just the audience but more importantly ourselves... ...extraordinary…lol
Guidelines and rules were side-lined,
While everyone played thoroughly to their heart’s content…

The seniors were the ones who ought to be thanked for putting in 101% of their noble effort in knitting the show together…
Kudos to those who worked endlessly for this production.

The show was planned in such a way,
So energetic that even at the end of the day everyone demanded for more,
But the seniors really had to call it a day out due to fatigue…
No doubt everyone was filled to the brim with enthusiasm,
Eagerly looking forward to the next day…………



Our long-anticipated show began with a sentimental number “ 明天会更好 ”
We chose this song to signify the end of their ( form 5’s & upper 6’s ) secondary education days…
It was truly an emotional moment for all, with emotions and sombreness hanging in the air.
We bid them a final farewell before ending the song with a satisfactory round of applause…

“ 1 … 2 … 1 2 3 4 “ shouted out Chuah Wui Cuan ( conductor )
And we kicked off the second phase of the show, literally.
An amusing “ Sock Hop Tonight “ it is…
From which our sobriety we hopped into a whole new jazzy tune.
The saxophonists basically hogged the entire show and trust me, they were good…well…better than just good, they were stupendous!!
They really knew how to get their groove going and the audience responded accordingly…
They even tried to outdo each other to snatch the limelight and created quite a scene up there…
“ AbsuRd “ became our middle name just for that instance as we all went wild like lunatics…

And then into the second section of the music where Chew Kean Heng, our soloist took the limelight.
Unfortunately, he made a mistake and caused quite a halt,
However it is all well as he perfectly portrayed the dark side behind every teenager’s life,
Where everyone makes mistakes and eventually learn to overcome their fears and stand back up…
My friend, it’s alright, let it go,
It’s not the quality of your playing we seek,
It’s your nerves to stand out from the rest that counts =)

Soon we entered the third section of the piece, where everyone jumped back up and grooved to the tune of the trombones,
You guys really whipped up to a frenzy and were continually subjected to derision…
It was as though you guys were all on Ecstacy… lol…
You guys not just entertained yourselves, but indeed you all made room for laughter in that hollow hall.
Cheers to you guys for your enthusiasm!
Moreover, you guys portrayed the sweet thing about life as a teenager,
Where we got to chill out together and just be a kid,
Doing crazy, ridiculous stuff all for the sake of enjoying life…
Frankly speaking, I really felt the energy from you guys,
And all I wanted was to join in the fun with you all…too bad…sigh
We ended the show with a full jazz ensemble blast to the audience and what a crowd reaction it was…
Everyone were on their feet ( figuratively ) to cheer us on,
And this time, the applause was more than just satisfactory,
It was triumphantly gratifying!
It was definitely a heart-stopping moment to be remembered for years to come…
For me it would always remain a perpetual memory…
Thanks to cutting-edge technology, we have a video recording by Sony Cybershot =.=’ LAME !
“ Encore! Encore! “ they shouted,
Obviously they enjoyed our show, a lot.


However this is just a milestone of what’s coming ahead of us in the future,
Our future … STBB 2009

Therefore, I urge you band of brothers,
To merge as one body, mind and soul,
Together we go and win the hearts of others!

Together we bear the shame
Together we share the fame

To all our seniors, all the best in the exams and
Cheers from your successors.
Thank you!
Adios amigo

STBB 2009
Silent fortissimo productions.
all rights reserved.

Authored by Andrew Tan.

To Andrew: Hey, this blog don't have any font system...!! Or the blog HAS a font system but I'm incapable to use that~~ Sorry about that and I edited modified something in your post.

Date: 5th November 2008
Venue: SMJK Sam Tet Hall

Monday, January 12, 2009






队长检查好人数后,我们走到我们被安排的地方等待。我们是这次游行的第七十二队,也是率领最后四个队伍的乐队。简单来说,第一队游行回来后,也许才轮到我们开始踏出我们在这次游行的第一步,只是等也需要等上一两个小时。队员们利用这段时间吃早餐(由政府提供面包之类的食物)。所谓人有三急,一些队员去附近的茶餐室方便一下。不料看见了厕所有一个令人发笑的指示牌。上面写道:“If you want to become rich, please flash (flush) the water.”。意思是“如果你要变得富有,请照()。店主也蛮有幽默感呵。此外,队长也让我们Warm up 乐器。一切准备好后,我们得开始站稳等待。

在我们要踏出游行第一步的几分种前,一位穿着兵装的官员来“检查”我们。这为官员叫我们的室外指挥(Drum Major)指示我们奏吹Concert B Flat,我们当然听从室外指挥的指示啦!不过当那位官员叫我们奏Concert B Flat或问我们问题时,我们并没有理会他。因为我们知道除了教练,队长和室外指挥以外,任何人都没有权利在这时候给我们指示。

等了许久,第一队〔圣米高乐队〕游行回来了。看见前面的队伍开始操了,我们的室外指挥也开始给指挥,踏出了今年国庆日游行庆典的第一步。不知道初次游行的队员们会感到紧张吗?室外指挥给我们指示,指示我们开始奏马来进行曲(Malay Marches)。街边的观众们也很识趣地拿起他们的照相机或电话拍下我们。随着那整齐的步伐,不知不觉地我们走到了Grand Stand附近。在这时,室外指挥在这里给了我们另一个指示。这指示是奏我们之前所安排的两首曲子,分别是Malaysiaku Gemilang Jalur Gemilang。这个部分,我们在前一天练习了一下而已,担心队员会在众多官员和部长面前出错。令人欣慰的是,每个队员都做得不错,没有白费之前所练的东西。室外指挥丢棒时,心里默默的祈祷,祈祷他可以丢得漂亮,接得完美。他果然众望所归,赢取了观众们的鼓掌声。过了Grand Stand,很快得就操完了整个游行。


靠近Grand Stand 了。。。


早上十点半左右,是时候轮到我们表演了。我们站在众马来同胞的面前,并在队长的指挥下演奏了两首曲子,分别是Seiring Sejalan和刚才的Azizah。听见众马来同胞的喝采欢呼声,顿时感到了音乐的喜悦。这一份喜悦,并不是局外人可以形容的。只不过看见队员们硬硬地站在那儿奏乐,心里觉得有一丝丝的可惜。在演奏Azizah时,其中一位鼓手在耍skill时失手,把其中一枝鼓棍弄跌了。令人佩服的是,他可以很顺手地把另外一枝鼓棍丢在地上,再从袋子里拿出另两枝鼓棍。他这样做不但没有出丑,反而显示他的专业,给观众们带来另一份喜悦,真是帅呆了!!我们演奏的当儿,教练正在用他的录像机录下了观众们开心的神情。演奏完毕后,只听见众马来同胞大喊:“One More!! Satu Lagi!! Five Stars!! Encore!!





Sam Tet Brass Band Production.

All rights reserved.
